Ending isolation when your workforce is dispersed

March 12, 2021

Companies can cope with arising challenges linked to employee isolation more easily thanks to collaboration tools which help teams come together.

Both your employees and your business deserve a taste of normal. 你们可能没法在一起了, use the company cantine to discuss various topics or share points of view, but thanks to real-time collaboration and communication - you can reunify your teams virtually.

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We have become used to the fact that for most of us our place of work isn’t the office anymore.

For many it took a pinch of creativity to setup home offices in living rooms, bedrooms, 客房或地下室. This sudden switch did not only change how we perceive our home or how we do our work, 但它也影响了我们的社交习惯. The way we communicate and socialize has changed drastically and to maintain a healthy social and a successful business life we must rely on technology.

The time has come to build strong “collaborative” foundations for today and for the future.

While the isolation conditioned our behavior and subjected even the most reluctant businesses to a forced migration to the cloud, 过去的通信平台就是这样做的, kept daily operations possible and helped us stay in touch with colleagues, 合作伙伴和客户. Even though handshakes were replaced by high five smileys, 大部分的交流方式保持不变, 即使距离遥远. Contrary to popular belief, we remained in high spirits and teamwork kept flourishing. 工作完成了, 电子邮件被发送, 演讲了, customers called, products sold, 一年过去了. 短期内是有效的, but if you want to stay successful in the future – enabling the work from anywhere and everywhere - here’s what to consider:

• 高品质音视频: make sure you use a platform which offers audio and video calls in high definition. Now that personal meetings are mostly out of question it’s more important than ever.

• 保护现有投资: use service providers who can guarantee you seamless integration of your existing private branch exchange (PBX) and PSTN capabilities. You don’t want to rip and replace your existing assets. Use providers who will integrate them into the cloud instead.

• 混合的或基于云的: discover the right deployment model for your business. If data security and integrity can be guaranteed (i.e. if the provider doesn’t underlie the ‘cloud act’ or the ‘patriot act’) you can go cloud-based as it’s usually more flexible with more flexible, 订阅为基础,没有前期费用. Hybrid gives you more stability and is great if already invested in on-premise hardware (such as a physical PBX) in the past.

• 无缝集成: you want to use leading platforms like Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, which have the ability to integrate with your existing applications, 例如客户关系管理工具.

• Support: when something goes awry you need help right away. 24/7 support one point of contact and the ability to influence the product by suggesting improvements is what you are ideally looking for.

With 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版彩虹, businesses get innovative functionalities and features for an effective communication and collaboration solution, 不以安全为代价, privacy, 或者数据主权. To prepare the work from anywhere and everywhere, Rainbow is the ideal solution.


Toni Galo

SaaS Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

In 2018, Toni started out as a Business Development Manager at ALE. In 2020 he took over the position as the SaaS Product Marketing Manager with the 云通信 Business Division. Prior to his ALE time he has managed international teams of content creators, 推出并有效推广应用程序, 帮助建立网站, market businesses and form strong and unique messaging for businesses around the globe.

Marketing is more than writing a few cool words on an image or having a movie star hold long-winded speeches about a product. It's also more than a vision, a mission or a why. 营销给产品, services and people a deep context and consumers a feeling and an experience they don't get anywhere else.

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